Buy Local,
Eat Well
Our Passion
We are passionate about the latest and most progressive farming techniques that rely on natural systems to improve animal welfare, environmental stewardship, farming culture, food quality, and health.
We are passionate about delivering superlative tasting meat raised with integrity and processed with quality, whether it wears the Marksbury brand or the label of a custom processing client. We are passionate about alternatives. In our current state when almost every food option comes from the same handful of crops, grown the same ways, and marketed by the same handful of companies, diversity and more options are something worth trying to hold on to.
Obviously, we can be pretty geeky about food and farming, and we want to invite you to geek out with us! Come in and see us at one of our restaurants, or check out our blog and look for Pasture at Marksbury’s outdoor and educational events to learn about taking control of your personal food supply. Who doesn’t want to improve their skills in the kitchen, their environment, their local farming community and their health?